Minggu, 10 April 2016

Palu Geologi Runcing / Beku E-322P

Perkiraan berat kepala ( ons/ grams) : 20 oz / 560 g
Perkiraan panjang keseluruhan ( inci/ mm) : 11” / 279 mm.
palu geologi tipe beku / runcing untuk mengambil sampel batuan beku.

Product Description:
• Pointed Tip
• Fully polished
• 22oz Head
• 13 ” Length
• Nylon-Vinyl Comfort Grip Estwing ’ s first and finest solid steel hammers are unsurpassed in quality, balance and finish. Forged one piece tool steel – strongest construction known.
Fully polished head and handle neck. All with Estwing ’ s exclusive New Shock Reduction Grip ( up to 50% reduction in shock caused by impact) , confirmed by independent laboratory tests. Negara Asal : Amerika Serikat

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