Senin, 25 April 2016

Protek DSO-5200A PC Digital Storage Oscilloscope

Darmatek Alat Ukur dan Instrument

Protek DSO-5200A PC Digital Storage Oscilloscope

  • High Performance with USB interface
  • Suitable and convenient for most usages

Maximum Sampling Rate Realtime Sampling 100MS/s
Equivalent Sampling 25GS/s
Bandwidth 200MHz(-3dB)
Single Shot Bandwidth 100MHz
Buffer Size 10K ~ 512K Samples
Channels 2 Channels

Voltage Range
10mV ~ 10V/div @ 1 Probe
100mV ~ 100V/div @ 10 Probe
1V ~ 1000V/div @ 100 Probe
10V ~ 10000V/div @ 1000 Probe
Accuracy ±3%
Timebase Range 2ns/div ~ 1h/div (1-2-4 Sequence)
Offset Level +/-4 Divisions
Coupling AC, DC, GND
Impedance 1M Ohm
Input Protection 35Vpk(DC + Peak AC; Without External Attenuation)
Roll Mode 1s/div ~ 1h/div
Range 10 Divisions
Pre/Post Production 0% ~ 100%
Trigger TYPE Edge Trigger: Rising Edge, Falling Edge
Trigger Mode Auto, Normal, and Single
Autoset Yes
Settability 0.03 div Increments
Trigger Level +/-4 Division
Measurements Vp-p, Vmax, Vmin, Vmeans, Vrms, Vamp, Vhigh, Vlow, Positive Overshoot, Negative Overshoot, Cycle Mean, Cycle RMS, Period, Frequency, Positive Pulse Width, Negative Pulse Width, Rise Time (10% ~ 90%) Fall Time (10% ~ 90%), Positive Duty Cycle, Negative Duty Cycle
Cursor Time/Frequency Difference, Voltage Difference
Math Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division
FFT Rectangular, Hanning, Hamming, Blackman Window
Interface Universal Serial Bus (USB)
Power No External Source Required
Bus-Powered From USB1.7W)
Calibration Signal Output 2V, 1kHz, Square Wave
Trace Display Point/Line
Vertical Position Variable Yes
Grid On/Off

File Management
Image save: .BMP, .JPG
Data Save: .DSO
OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) Automation: Data Generation for Microsoft excel
Setting Save/Load
Print Print In Color/Mono

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